This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents. There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed. If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.
RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name _______Abner H. McMahan--------------------------------- Age ^------- Address 27^80 S. R._______31_,_Raymond------------------------------------ Place nf Death Marion General_Hasp...__ Date of Death___July 29,—1$B2_^exx Thurs. Hour of Death_________5; 15 b.m.______ How Long 111__ill 4 we.eiss________ Occupation of Deceased----Retired Farmer---------------------------------- Church, Lodges, Societies Sommersville Friends Church_____________________ Date of Birth April 30 > 1909 Place of Birth York Twp._______________ Father’s Name John H. McMahan_______________________Living ( ) Deceased C) Lelah Ralston Mother’s Maiden Name .______________________________Living ( ) Deceased PD If Living, Where--------------------------------------------------------------- Married to Mary Kirk (daWJan 1?. 1935_________in_________________________ Wife or Husband Living ? ) or Deceased ( ), When------------------------------- Surviving Children and Addresses_______________________________________________ 1 dau - Mrs. John (Priscilla Jo) Kreis. Marion:_________________________________ 1 son - Edgar H. (Edstig) McMahan, Richwood____________________________________ 3 Grandchildren and________Great Grandchildren also survive. (Scott, Christy Jo, Robbv Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses -------------- __]_sis - Mrs_____Victor (Helen) Phipps.,—Raymond---------- Funeral Services will be held Mon. Aug 2, ^ 1982 ., 1 Sl- at ___11 s 00a m jn thg__ Duane ^ Dickson with Rev. ___ggsmia______ and Rev. Earl Cosand Ballinger F. H. officiating. Burial will be in York Friends may call at Cemetery, near________________________________________ BFH from 2-4 & 7-9 Sun. Aug 1, I982 _______after____________m_________________________, 19 _ Favorite charity Memorial Fund of ChurchFlorist Login
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