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Leah F. Stallsmith

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name _________Leah F. Stallsmith_______________________________ ^ge 82 Address —235 Grove-S-t-,—Richwood-------------------------------------------- Place of Death Aug 17 , 1982—Tues.— Date of Death Mari.on Genera]—Hospital Hour of Death_________7:QQa.m.________ How Long 111____lengthy. illness----- Occupation of Deceased--Iftmestic--------------------------------------------- Church, Lodges, Societies Essex United Meth. Church; former Grange__________ Member; Crusader’s Glass of Church__________________________________________ Date of Birth July 6,—19OQ------------ Place of Birth--Union .Cq_.---------- Father’s Name ________Earl Baker _________________Living ( ) Deceased ( % Mother’s Maiden Name .____ Frankie Stamats __________Living ( ) Deceased (3 If Living, Where------------------------------------------------------------ Married to D. G. Stallsmith .pl Apr 28, 1923 in York Center Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased (x), When---1$66—=._----------------- Surviving Children and Addresses____________________________________________ 1 son - Robert, Marion; 1 dau - Mrs. Lowen (Betty) Meyer, Lucky, Ohio 199i E. Columbia St. _6___Grandchildren and______5 Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses ----------------------- _____4 bro - Cletus Baker, Marion; Ernest Baker, Columbus; Ray Baker, Mt. Victory; Milburn Baker, Delaware 1 sis - Ruth Patterson, ByhaTia Funeral Services will be held Thurs.________Aug 19 ,___1£82------------------------, lfil at 1: 30ap m. in the , .Ballinger ,F_., H,______________________________________________ with Rev. Martin % Denes_________________________officiating. Burial will be in_________ _________Price_____________ Cemetery, near______________________________________________ Friends may call at BPH___________after from 2-4 &.7rS Wed.___________Aug 18 ,___198^9Florist Login
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