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Lucille Behrens

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

■r i . RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name ____________Lucille Behrens____________________________ Age 76 Address 6ll E. Water St., Prospect__________________________________ Place of Death___at hoipe__________ Date of Death___May 9 >_12^3.--- Hour of Death 6i 30 P-m.________ How Long Til failing health 2 years Occupation of Deceased retired school teacher; co-owner and bookkeeper of the former Behrens Building Supply Co., Prospect Church, Lodges, Societies _St. Paul8 o-Lutiieran Church, Prospect------- Missionary Circle of Church; Searchlight Literary Club;___________________ Date of Birth March 9, 190? Place of Birth_______Marion______________ — Father’s Name Walter G. Howison______________________Living ( , Deceased (*) Mother’s Maiden Name Cora Ellen Boyd__________Living ( ) Deceased (x) If Living, Where .—_— ------------------------------------------------— Married to Edward Behrens (date) _6/12/37______in_______________________ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( 3, When-7/16/8.3--------------- Surviving Children and Addresses________________________________________ ___________1 son - James E. Behrens, Prospect___________________________ 1 grandson - Ralph E. ______Grandchildren and_______Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses ---------------------- ____________1 sis - Mrs. Bernice Hetzner. Righwx_________Prospac.±. Funeral Services will be held, at______11 ;»C.L . m. in the__ Fri. May 13, 19&3 1SL St. Paul's Lutherah Church with Rev. Monty Kaufman. officiating. Burial will be in Prospect Cemetery, near _ . , ^ Ballinger F. H. , Richwood 3-5 & 7-9 Thurs. F Friends may call at_________rafter__________m_______May 12, 19-83___> 19 Favorite charities Lutheran Social Service or St. Paul's Lutheran Church Building FundFlorist Login
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Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:17:00 EDT