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James B. Middlemiss

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name_______________James B. Widdlemiss________________________ Age 6? Address _____204 N. Elm St. , ___________________________________ Place of Death_Marion .General. Ho spA Date of Death______NoVn ljf 1983 -Sun. Hour of Death______1; 04 P.M._________ How Long 111 ill 2 aretefes V Occupation of Deceased retired from Montgomery Ward in 1972________________ Church, Lodges, Societies Prospect United Meth. Church: WW II Veteran of Navv: Past Commander of Prospect American Legion #368; Marion Elks #32 Date of Birth__May 5> 1916____________ Place of Birth Toronto, Ontario. Canada Father’s Name -----John Middlemiss----------------Living ( ) Deceased (*) Mother’s Maiden Name . Isabelle Lindsey___________Living ( ) Deceased (*) If Living, Where----------------------------------------------------------- Married to Lucille Collmer (date) Aug 8, 1937 in__________________________ Wife or Husband Living (x) or Deceased ( ), When___________________________ Surviving Children and Addresses___________________________________________ 2 dau - Mrs. Carol Good, Prospect______________________________________ _____________Mrs. Jon (Mary Kay Blevins, Prospect__________________________ Gran and Jeff James , Robert,) Jon Blevins v Survivii^TBi^mers and^Sisters and Addresses 2 bfo & 1 sis dec. Funeral Services will be held Wed. Nov_c_16_,_1|83_____________________, 19L at 11'00a_____m. in the Gehm-Ballinger F0 H0______________________________ with Rev________Monty Kaufman____________officiating. Burial will be in___ Prospect__________ Cemetery, near_____________________________________ G-BFH TueSo from 2-4 & 7-9 Friends may call at__________after____________m________________________, 19 Favorite charity Prospect American Legion Graveside services in charge of Prospect American LegionFlorist Login
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Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:37:00 EDT