This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents. There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed. If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.
RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT l/J * Name ________________Francis W. (Robbie) Robinson_____________ Age 83 Address 235 Grove St. t Richwood________________________________________ Place of ~T)pflt.b at home__________ Date of Death April 2?, 1983 Fri. _ Hour of Death 2s3° a-m-_________ How Long Til usual health - death unexpected Occupation of Deceased Retired Car Salesman for Gruber-Reidenbaugh Pontiac, Richwood Church, Lodges, Societies -attended Pharisburg United Moth.—Chur oh;--- Charter Member of Leesburg Grange____________________________ Date of Birth June 21, 1899 Place of Birth Union Co., Ohio_____ Father’s Name Thomas L. Robinson___________Living ( ) Deceased fe) Mother’s Maiden Name _Mary E. Clevenger________Living ( ) Deceased If Living, Where------------------------------------------------------- McGuire Dec. 11, 1929 Married to Erma J.___McGuire date) JEg&_________in______________________ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased % ), When —Dec_,—Zj—1981-------- Surviving Children and Addresses_______________________________________ 1 son - Charles, Springfield_____________________________________ _____Grandchildren and________Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses ----------------- 1 bro dec. Funeral Services will be held, at_____11 s 00a, ni. in the___ Mon. Apxxi May 2, 1983 ., 1SL Ballinger F. H. with Rev. Douglas L. Hockman officiating. Burial will be in Oakdale Friends may call at Cemetery, near from 2-A & 79 Sun. May 1st after_______________m__________________ ,19. BFHFlorist Login
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