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Deane Thogmartin

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT D. Deane Thogmartin________________ Age 55 Address 25988 S. R. 4, Richwood pinr>pnfnpath Grady Memorial Hosp. r>atP nf T)Path Aug 17, 1983 Wed. Delaware 12:15 a.m. How Long 111 Mear Hour of Death Owned -and .Operated Self-Employed Occupation of Deceased-Laboratory TechnoLogist- Cottonwood Antiques, Richwood Church, Lodges, Societies _St-_Pauls Lutheran Church,—Prospect.; Mechani osburg Lodge #11 3 F&AM;_American Medical—Techno] ngi sts. Date of Birth February 14 f 1928__ Place of Birth_Wooden♦ Kansas. Father’s Name Donald 0. Thogmartin Mother’s Maiden Name . Julie. Merrman_ Living ( ) Living ( X Deceased k ) Deceased ( ) If Living, Where Millersport, Ohio_ , JoAnn Porschet . June 25» 1950. Married to_________________(date) -------------m Wife or Husband Living (x) or Deceased ( ), When Surviving Children and Addresses_________________________________ 2 sons - Don S£g A., Jackson Center; Val P., Columbus; ... — ^ ^ x ^ w ; 2 dau - Miss April A. Thogmartin, Columbus; Miss Lisa J., 0 0 lumbUva Grandchildren and . Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses ----------- 2 bro - Keith, and Bruce bothg of Millersport Funeral Services will be held____Sat. Aug 9 20 ._1983___________________, 19L 11:00a . A1 St. Pauls Lutheran Church at___________m. in the_____________________________________________________ with Rev_____Monty Kaufman________________officiating. Burial will be in___ Claibourne ^ ______________________ Cemetery, near______________________________________ Ballinger F. H., Richwood Fri. 2-4 & 7-9 Friends may call at__________after____________m_________________________, 19 favorite charity Union County Cancer SocietyFlorist Login
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