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Mary E. Stillings

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name________Mary E. Stillings______________________________ Age 68 Address 31261 McPeck Rd.._____Hi nhwnnd_________________________________ Plappnf Dpath Marion General Hosp. Date of Death Nov 24, ,19.83 Thurs. _ health Hour of Death 6:20 P-m-____________ HowT.nngTll failing years Occupation of Deceased----domesti c------------------------------------ Church, Lodges, Societies Grace Chapel United Meth. Church,____________ United Methodist Women Date of Birth Sept 6, 1915__________________ Place of Birth__Lima, Ohio---------------- Father’s Name ____________Otto W, Fisher------------------Living ( ) Deceased t) Mother’s Maiden Name «__________Goldie M. Phillips Living ( ) Deceased £ ) If Living, Where ---------------- Ralph B. Stillings Married to RaMa_____________(date) Jan 23, 1937. _____________m Wife or Husband Living (x) or Deceased ( ), When --- Surviving Children and Addresses____________________ ----2 dau - Mrs.—Barbara J. Lee-,—Columbust--------- Mrs. Richard (Betty) Gerfen, Waldo; 2 sons - John R., Findlay; -------------Robert-- - C. -s—Gardington--------------- Q ______Grandchildren and____Great Grandchildren also survive. 1 gkxa grandson deceased Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses _____________________________ 2 bro & 1 sis dec,____________________________________________________ 1 sis - Mrs. Connie Beightler, Marysville; ----3 ■ bro--Herbert, Milford Center-;—Paul, Lima;-- Walter Ralph-,—By kali a (Fisher) Sun, Nov 27, 1983 Funeral Services will be held_ at l = 30p m. in the________Grace Chapel United Methn Churhh 1SL with Rev. Michael Curtis officiating. Burial will be in Byhalia Cemetery, near ,19 Friends may call at Ballinge^arfpt- H. Sat. 2^ & 7-9Florist Login
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Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:00 EDT