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Lorena McAllister

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name __________Lorena McAllister____________________________ Age 91 Address formerly of Richwood______________________________________________ Place of Death_^,^°n ________.. Date of Death __-*-984 Mon. Marysville Hour of Death 8; 05 a.m.____________ HowLongm____________________________ Occupation of Deceased------domestic------------------------------------- Church, Lodges, Societies ----------------------------------------------- Date of Birth_____Nov 1. 1892__________ Place of Birth_____Union -Co.--------- Father’s Name ______Josiah Westlake----------------Living ( ) Deceased (3d Mother’s Maiden Name . Nevada Walke----------------Living ( ) Deceased (3d If Living, Where-------------------------------------------------------------- Married to-----------------(date)------------------in------------------------- Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( ), When------------------------------ Surviving Children and Addresses______________________________________________ 4 sons - Robert and Gale both of Marysville;, William, Columbus! Charles, Palmyra, Pal 2 dau - Mrs. Margaret Wolanin. ff.±g______Detroit, Michigan;------------------ Mrs. Mary Warner, Dayton 1 son dec. 14 Grandchildren and 14 Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Bothers and Sisters and Addresses -------------------------------- 2 sis - ftfetx Esther Westlake, Columbus; Mrs. Geneva Leibensperger. Columbus; 2 bro- - Eugene West-lake ,-Los Angeles-,—Cal iff vt Dale Walkc ,—Dunilloft-, Fla. Funeral Services will be held___WgiL 18 .—1984---------------------------, 1SL at 1: 30p m. in the Ballinger HN.___________________________________________ W. with Rev_______John Beers. Jr._____________officiating. Burial will be in___ Claibourne___________ Cemetery, near_______________________________________ BFH Tues. 2-4 & 7-9 Friends may call at,__________after____________m-------------------------, 19.Florist Login
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