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Richard Nelson Tuttle

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name _______Richard Nelson Tuttle___________________________ Age 75. Address Union Manor, Marysville - formerly of Mari nn________________ Place nfTW.h Union County Memorialnate of Death Nov.. 19. 198A Mnru Hospital, Marysville Hour of Death P-m-____________ How Pong Til failing health several years Occupation of Deceased__retired from Marion Engineer Depot--------------- Church, Lodges, Societies graduate of Marion Harding High School;-------- _________member of United Brethren Church, Marion; active in local athletics Date of Birth April 6, 1909*________ piace of Birth Marion, Ohio_________ Father’s Name 0tis Loy -----------------Living ( ) Deceased (*) Mother’s Maiden Name Ethel Florence Cubbison Living ( ) Deceased (X) If Living, Where--------------------------------------------------------- formerly Married g” ^§urvi lves- m Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( ), When Mary Jane King SMith Surviving Children and Addroc,coc ------------------------------- 3 sons - Robert D.V Richwood; Russell H.. Chicago. Ill; Richard M., Delaware * & 2 - Nicole and Matthew of Chicago ______Grandchildren and______Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses ------------- _________1 bro - Robert D. . Marion_______________________ Funeral Services will be bpld Eni. Nov. 23.__________i9_8A at 10:00a . _____m. in the Ballinger F. H. (*) with Rev. John Beers _______________________officiating. Burial will be in Claibourne____________ Cemetery, near________________________________ -j-1 . i n . BFH -Thurs. from 7-9 the 22nd Friends may call at____________after____________m.i___________________ 1SL 19.Florist Login
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