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RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Nelson Ward Sproull Place of Death —auto accident—R-.—A Date of Death Jan-2-2,—1985 Tuecr> Hour of Death__D_______a.m..-------- How Long 111----------------------- Occupation of Deceased-F.l 3e PI iambi ngware Marysv i 11 e—22±_years Church, Lodges, Societies _Bhacishurg-II-_D/L—Church ; Leesburg-Magnpt.i c— Volunteer Firp Dppt.;__Rnt.ivp_in.. Lit-tle Le-ague for Boys and— Softball for Girls; U. S. Army Date of Birth Nnvpmhpr 1A, 1936----- Place of Birth--Leechburg,—Ea«----- Father’s Name _Ward Sproull______________________Living 6c) Deceased ( ) Mother’s Maiden Name _Ruth____Bark______________Living 6c) Deceased ( ) If Living, Where _Leechburg.,. -Pa^------------------------------------- Married to Opal Alexander (date) April-23 » I960 in_____________________ Wife or Husband Living (x) or Deceased ( ), When------------------------ Surviving Children and Addresses________________________________________ 2 dau - Mrs. Mike—(Debbie) Caldwell, Marysville;--------------------- Susan at home; 3 sons- Gene, Steve and Bill all at home------------------------------ p ______ Grandchildren and_____Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses --------------- _________1 bro - Raymond, Leechburg. Pa.____________________ 1 bro and 1 sis dec. Funeral Services will be held__Fri.___Jan,25>__198.5_________________, 191--- at 118 00a___m. in the Pharisburg IL M. Church_______________________________ with Rev_____James Sanders_______________officiating. Burial will be in______ and Rev. Paul Cocklin _________Hopewell____ Cemetery, near_________________________________________ „ . , , Ballinger F. H. 2-A & 7-9 Thurs. Jan 2^th Friends may call at_______ alter_____________m.______________________, 19____ favorite charity Leesburg-Magnetic Springs Volunteer Fire De£t. S. S.Florist Login
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