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Margaret E. Curl

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

(5J- RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name Margaret E. Curl Age__86_ Address Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. - formerly of Richwood Place of Death Ft. Laudar-dal e , Fla— Date of Death-Juno 1, 1985 S&tr- Hour of Death , 9 ? QQ .BjIIIj_____ How Long 111—failing health sever-al years Occupation of Deceased -Church, Lodges, Societies dome,slip .   , .--------------------------- Kicnwood 1st United Meth. Church; Mt. Carmel Chapter #42 O.E.S.; Women’s Society of the Church; Kings Daughters: Fortnightly Club; Carpp Pi pm ninh Date of Birth June 16, I898_____________ Place of Birth___York _________ Father’s Name _____________David S. Davis_____________Living ( ) Deceased (x) Mother’s Maiden Name . Nellie Waltz-------------------Living ( ) Deceased (x) If Living, Where----------------------------------------------------------------- Married to Paul M- Curl (date) July 23, 1924jn___________________________________ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( When-------0ct ’—12&3------------------- Surviving Children and Addresses______ 1 son - James P. Curl, Columbus J—dau_- Mr..s-—Barbara Winchesters—Plantation,—Fla. 5 Grandchildren and ^ Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses ------------------------------- 1 bro - D. Kenneth Davis, Richwood;___________________________________ 2 sis - Mrs. Martha Tompos, Stuart, Fla.______________________________ Mrs. Esther Phillips, Miami Shores, Fla. Funeral Services will be held___Tues. ^ June _4^,____1985----------------? 19, at___11; QQa__m. in the____Bal linger EL__B_-------------------------------- with Rev. John W, Beers, Jr.______________officiating. Burial will be in____ Claibourne ~ _______________________ Cemetery, near______________________________________ -rp • j n . BFH fr.o, 7~9 Mon. June 3rd Friends may call at___________after___________m. ________________________119. Eastern Star Services 7:00 p.m. Mon.Florist Login
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