Directions to Claibourne Cemetery
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RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name _Michael J. Lawler_ Age 45 Address 1029 Barks Rd., E., Marion Place nfTWVi Community MedCenter_ Date of Death Dec. 24, 1986 Wed. Hour of Death 7:15 a-m-_ HnwT.nngTII accident - Marion Co. Occupation of Deceased Security Guard for C.P.P. based at Community MedCenter Church, Lodges, Societies st- Mary's Cathollc Ch^ch, _ Date of Birth Aug" & 1941_ Place of Birth_Marion_ Father's Name _Joseph Lawler_L.ving ( } Deceased 6c) Mother's Maiden Name_Hilda Goddee-Living ( ) Deceased (x) If Living, Where -- /q Married to Judv Rubeck_(date)_May 1. 197$ in_ Wife or Husband Living cf or Deceased ( ), When Surviving Children and Addresses_ none Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses 3 sis - Mrs. Arthur (Donna Mae) Kaelber, Marion; Mrs. Frank (Gertrude) Rochelle, Toledo; Mrs. Don (Joan) Bcodceax, Plain City Bolin Mass >£toneFa&Services will be held_sat.;,Dec. 27th__ 19_.86 at_10; 3n l__m. in the_st, Mary's Catholic Church_ with Rev__officiating. Burial will be in_ claibourne Cemetery, near Ballinger F. H., Richwood Fri., Dec. 26th from 2-4 & 7-9 Friends mav call at_after__m__, 19 _ Prayer Services will be at 4:00 p.m., Fri. at the funeral Home Florist Login
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