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Name _Charles William Good _ Age _4j3 Address _580 Park St., Columbus, Ohio 43215_- formerly of Prospect Place of Death_Mt- Carmei East Date of Death Dec. nf 1987 Fri.- Hour of Death _2:20 P-m-_ TWT.nngTH failing health 6 years Occupation of Deceased Computer operator for Paton Wall Coverings, Columbus, Ohio Church, Lodges, Societies Prospect United Methodist Church_ Date of Birth Nov- 18' 1942_ Place of Birth Marion county_ Father's Name George Good_Living k) Deceased ( ) Mother's Maiden Name Irene Lane_Living F ) Deceased ( ) If Living, Where _501 Austin nr , Prnspprt— - Married toD^°rced-(date)-in- Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( ), When- Surviving Children and Addresses two dau - Charlene and Tamara Nixt both of Lucasville _Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses - 2 bro - Bob. Richwood: Richard. Marion i_ 1 sis - Mrs. Carl (Geraldine) Hecker, Prospect Funeral Services will be held_Mnn , ,nec. 14, 1987_, 19. at_1 1 ; OOa__rn. in the_Gehm-Ra 1 1 i nger F H_ with Rev__gerald frazee _officiating. Burial will be in_ _Prospect_ Cemetery, near_ Friends may call at g-bfh after 2-4 ft 7-9 Sum.' Dec- 13th_, 19. li / RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Florist Login
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