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RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name _Edgar L.. Foos_ Age 90 , Address 141 E. Ottawa St., Richwood__ P1ar»gnf Dpath Grady Memorial Hospital Date of Death May 3, 1987 Sun-. ^ Delaware Hour of Death 3:30 a-m-_ How Long 111_failing health several years Occupation of Deceased _retired farmer - former State of Ohio Highway Dept. employee Church, Lodges, Societies Essex United Meth. Church; Claibourne Grange;_ WW I Veteran; American Legion Post #40; Richwood Civic Center_ Date Of Birth March 12, 1897_ place of Birth Union County_ Father's Name henry a. foos_Living ( > Deceased (x) Mother's Maiden Name Clara E. Fields_Living ( ) Deceased (x) If Living, Where-- Married to Maxine Varner (date) Sept' 1929 in_ Wife or Husband Living (x) or Deceased ( ), When- Surviving Children and Addresses_ _2 dau - Mrs. Margaret Joan Miller, Marysville; Mrs. Robert (Freeda) CaLDWELL, Marysville 1 son - Rev. Charles E. Foos, Mt. Vernon _!£. Grandchildren and_i®. Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses Funeral Services will be held_May ^ ipp-? U^Qsd■_, 1SL at_1 1 ; 0Or) . m. in the_Ra 11 i ngpr F H __ with Rev Harley Roston_officiating. Burial will be in_ Price_ Cemetery, near_ BFH from 2-4 & 7-9 Tues., May 5th Friends may call at_after__m__, 19. Contributions to Union County Heart Fund American Legion in charge of services at graveside Florist Login
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