Directions to Raymond Cemetery
This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents. There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed. If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.
RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name _Terry Goins___ Age —1Q- Address 19101 S. R. 739. Richwood _ Place of Death _aOiome_ Date of Death , Oct. l, 1987—Thurs.— accidental Hour of Death_ How Long 111_fffliffiHtexftg axphixiation (carbon monoxide) Occupation of Deceased _stock handler for ggRggaRxfigxgaxBRxxxftfegxxfigggx, Marysville Hagglunds Denison Church, Lodges, Societies - Date of Birth Mav 30> 1947_ Place of Birth union county_ Father's Name _Leonard Coins_Living ( ) Deceased (*) M?th?r'« MaiHon Nam* Virginia Irene Gray Coins_Liying fa Deceased ( ) Erwin If Living, Where _Green Camp- Married to Divorced_(date) in Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( ), When Surviving Children and Addresses_ 1 son - Tony Goins of Richwood Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses // 2 bro"- Jerry and Virgil both of Richwood; Randy of Marion; Ronnie of Green Camp; '- -----> • - j -_ 4 sis - Kathy Conley, Woodstock; -Becky Higgins, LaRue;- Brenda Dennis, Marysville; 1 sis dec. ., Debbie Erwin, Green Camp Graveside Services will be h^lH Mon., Oct. 5,1987_, la_ 10:30a Raymond Cemetery at___m. in the_ with Rev__danny Grose_officiating. Burial will be in Raymond_ Cemetery, near_ Ballinger F. H., Richwood one hour before service Friends may call at_after__m__, 19. Florist Login
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