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Name _Audrey "Mike" Bushong_ Age P. 1 (last permanent address 703 E. North St., Prospect) Address _54 W. Lincoln, Delaware - formerly of Roberts Rd.. Radnor_ Place Of TWh Sunny Vee Nursing HomQatP 0f Death_Jan. 4, 1989 Wed Delaware Hour Of Death _11:00 a-m- How Long 111 seriously ill 2 years Occupation of Deceased _retired farmer_ Church, Lodges, Societies member Suffolk Sheep Breeders Assoc._ Date of Birth July 28' 1912_ Place of Birth Hardin County_ Father's Name _william Bushong_Living ( ) Deceased (x) Mother's Maiden Name Meda Johnson_Living ( ) Deceased (x) If Living, Where - Married to never married (date)_in_ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( ), When- Surviving Children and Addresses_ _Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses _5 bro and l sis dec. 3 sis - Pauline Fetter. Marion Edith Boecher, Kenton Mary Eelsasser,—Delaware nieces and nephews Funeral Services will be held_sat., Jan. 7, 1989_? ia. 10:30a . Gehm-Ballinger F. H. at___m. in the___ with Rev__James Stevenson_officiating. Burial will be in_ Otterbein _ Cemetery, near . . ,, G-BFH one hour .before service Friends may call at_after__m__, 19, Florist Login
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