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Name Thomas E. "Ted" Disbennett____ Age _ Heartland of Marysville Address 755 s- Plum St., Marysville- formerly of 177 Lewis Ave._ Place Of Death Union County Memorial Hosp. Date of Death 6-15-89. Thursday_ Hour of Death 4:45 a,m>__ How Long 111 failing health several years Occupation of Deceased Insurance Claims Adjuster_ Church, Lodges, Societies Trinity Lutheran, Marysville, Leesburg Grange_ _Soloist for many weddings Date of Birth_8"4"30_ Place of Birth union County_ Father's Name Thomas Disbenett_Living ( ) Deceased <*) MntWs Maidpn NamP Margaret Bumgarner_Living (X) Deceased ( ) T,T . . _ ttti Richwood If Living, Where __ Married to Kathleen 'Coleman" "(date) 1972_in Marysville_ 548 North M^in Lot 177 . ttti Wife or Husband Living (*) or Deceased ( ), When_ Surviving Children and Addresses 3 sons Todd, Brad, Barry of Marysiiie 1 Daughter- Cindy Norman nf Plain city 1 Step-son- Charlie Finlay of Marysville 1 step-daughter - Shelia Finlay of Marysville sheila Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses 1 brother deceased- Donald Disbennett Funeral Services will be held,. Saturday_, June 17-, l£L-&a 10:30 in fhp Ballinger Funeral Home__ with Rev. Patrick Kelly and Rev. Geraldine officiating. Burial will be in_ Simco Price_ Cemetery, near_Richwood--— Friends may call at BFH_after 2-4 airidi 7-9 m. Friday. June 16-, 19_aa Charity- M.S. Society and Trinity Lutheran Memorial Florist Login
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