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Dorothy Vanetta Hixson

This is archival information that was taken from (perhaps old) paper documents.   There may be mistakes/omissions that we have missed.  If you would like to help us maintain accurate information, please email corrections/additions for this obituary to info@stofcheck-ballinger.com.

pyjame _Dorothy Vanetta Hixson_ Age '56 Address 254 S. Franklin St., Richwood 943-2113___ Place of Death __Date of Death May 27, 1990 Sun.__ Hour of Death 12:35 _ How Long 111 filing health i yeai Occupation of Deceased Ohio Dept. of Tianspoitation ; Licensed Practical Nu,se v t j o • Richwood 1st Baptist Church; Paul Vick Ciicle of Church, Lodges, Societies__._____... . ' ° ' church Chatter Box Club of Mai ion; Harding High SchooJ and Mai ion General Hospital School of Nursing Date of Birth Sept' 17' 1933____Place of Birth "mion' Ohio_ Father's Name _james l. west____Living ( ) Deceased ( ^ Mother's Maiden Name ._hattie Crowder___Living ( ) Deceased ( ') If Living, Where __________ Married to Willie s. Hixson (date) Nov. 29. 1959 in Marion_ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased (x), When_Dec. 21, 1983 Surviving Children and Addresses_ none Grandchildren and__Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving 5 sis - Mrs. Larry Betty) Russell, Marion;'_2 bi o - Charles West, Cleveland; Mrs. Ruth Bates, Cleveland; Donald West, Marion -robert alice davenport lima--- Fiances West, Mai ion;Mary Clemmons Marion Funeral Services will be held_wed.. MaYj30. 1990_, 1SL at-11; QQa__m. in the_Richwood 1st Baptist Chui ch_ with ftev. Dr. a. DAvid Donnelly_ officiating. Burial will be in_ claibourne_ Cemetery, near_ ^ . . ,, Ballinger-Penpard F. H. Tues. fiom 2-4 S, 7-9 Friends may call at_" alter___m___ 19 Conti ibutions to Chinch Memoi iai Fund or Union County Cancel Society Florist Login
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Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:53:00 EDT