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Name _Elmer Sivey_ Age _ioi 15356 S. R. 739 , Richwood Place Of Death Community Nursing Center ^ Qf Death Dec. 19, 1990 Wed. / Marion Hour Of Death__5;QQ a-m- How Long Til seriously ill 6 weeks Occupation of Deceased retired farmer and school teacher in Union County Church, Lodges, Societies Jackson Twp, Trustee; member of former Grace Chapel United Meth. Church and Sunday School Teacher there for many years; presently -niBiiibei uf E^ex umtefl Mem. Lhurcft- Date of Birth Nov" 21' 1889 Place of Birth_Union County _ , ,T Francis Marion Sivey T . . . . _ , , . Father s Name -Living ( ) Deceased (x) Mary Alice Dysert x. Mother's Maiden Name ._Living ( ) Deceased O If Living, Where _ Catharine (Katie) Daum Sept. 17, 1911. Prospect Married to_(date) -in_ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased * ), When_July 23, 1978 Surviving Children and Addresses_ 2 dan - Mi as Martha Sivpy anri Miss Ruth q-iuay hnth r,f Birhi.Tr.nH, 1 son - Charles Sivey of Richwood Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses 1 bro - Jesse Sivey, Howard, Ohio; 1 sis - Ethel Reams, Mt. Vernon Fri. , Dec. 21, 1990 Funeral Services will be held_L!_1 --—1SL 2:OOp Ballinger-Peppard F. H. at___m. in the- Harley Roston 943-3328 ... . . ^ . with Rev__officiating. Burial will be m Price _ Cemetery, near- B-PFH from 2-4 & 7-9 Thurs., Dec. 20th Friends may call at_after__m--,19. Address Florist Login
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