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Gladys Mae "Mam" Harsh

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Gladys Mae "Mam" Harsh_Age _Zl_ Address -formerly of 235 Grove St.. . Richwood___ Place of Death Union Manor. Marysville Date of Death Mav 14. 1991 Tues._ Hour of Death__6:20 a.m._ How Long 111 failing health several years Occupation of Deceased retired matron from Girls Industrial School in Powell Church, Lodges, Societies attended Community United Calvary Church, Richwood Date of Birth July 17, 1913_ place 0f Birth_Madison County Father's Name _George Klontz_Living ( ) Deceased (*) Mother's Maiden Name_Alice Haines_Living ( ) Deceased <*) If Living, Where _ Married to Fay Harsh_(date)_in_ (divorced) Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( f, When_ Surviving Children and Addresses_ _9 grandchildren: Pete Black. Marion: Jackie Bradley. Kentucky: Eddie Bibler, Mt. Jennie Barker, Marysville; Rodney Bibler, Marion; Roger Bibler, Victory; -Sanduaky;—Jari Terry,—Marion ;—betty barnhart,—Marion ,—John Gibson,—Marysville Grandchildren and_cfrea^trandchildren also Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses 1 bro - Richard Klontz, Amsterdam, Ohio predeceased by 1 daughter - Maxine Gibson in 1978, 1 great-grandson, 1 brother and 1 sister Funeral Services will be held_Thurs- <, .May 16' 1991_, 19l a|. 11:00a m jn the_Ballinger-Peppard F. H._ with Rev__Fred Cheney_officiating. Burial will be in_ _ciaibourne Cemetery, near_ Friends may call at B-pFH Iffiir 2-4 & 7-9 . May 15, 1991__ 19 survive. Florist Login
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