Directions to Prospect Cemetery
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Ryan Scott Lauer_ Age -Stillborn Address 4930 St. James Rd. ._Waldo (Marion County)_ Place Of Death Grady Memorial Hospital Date of Death Feb. 18, 1992 Tues. Hour of Death 10;05 p-m-_ How Long 111_ Occupation of Deceased-- Church, Lodges, Societies - Date of Birth_^ i«. iq^_ Place of Birth_Delaware, Ohio_ Father's Name John scott Lauer h- 5/25/s5 living (x) Deceased ( ) Mother's Maiden Name Judith Moser Lauer b. 10/31/59 (X) Deceased ( ) If Living, Where --Waldo Married to_(date) -in Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased ( ), When-- Surviving Children and Addresses_ grandparents - Howard and Nancy Moser, Marion; John Lauer, Prospect great Irene MoserMncpri_Ft. Myers Roach,—Fla. _Grandchildren and_Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses - _2 sisters - Anne and Lacev at home_ Private Graveside Fmiesrai Services will be held_a " e , J_, 19- at _11:00 a m. in the _Prospect Cemetery_ with Rev__officiating. Burial will be in_ Prospect_ Cemetery, near_ Friends may call at_after__m___ 19_ J Gehm- No calling hours will be observed at Ballinger-Peppard Funeral Home, Prospect which is in charge of arrangements Contributions to Grady Memorial Hospital Maternity Unit Florist Login
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