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Homemaker and retired from former Quaker Oats Co. in Marion Occupation of Deceased _ Church, Lodges, Societies RICHWOOD GAZETTE DEATH REPORT Name Address Place of Death Hour of Death Lilabel May Eaches 10:23 a.m. brief illness How Long 111 Date of Birth May 16' 1917 Smithfield, 111, Place of Birth Living ( ) Deceased (x) Living ( ) Deceased H Claude Stevens Father's Name Sylvia Culver Stevens Mother's Maiden Name If Living, Where ._ Married to Ray T. Eaches (date) March 9. 1935 in_ Wife or Husband Living ( ) or Deceased (When May 3. 1979 Surviving Children and Addresses_ . (Shirley Jean) 1 aaugnter - Mrs. Jerry (sS&KLg&epj Austin, Marion; I son - Steve R. Eaches , Richwood Grandchildren and_L Great Grandchildren also survive. Surviving Brothers and Sisters and Addresses 2 sisters - Mrs. Mildred Wood. Marion: Mrs. Dale (Pearl) Evans, Richwood predeceased by 5 brothers 23, Thurs . , April 1992____ -j^ Funeral Services will be held— ,, nn . ,, Ballinger-Peppard Funeral Home, Richwood at H:00a__m. in the----- with Rev__Fred Cheney__ officiating. Burial will be in- Claibourne_ Cemetery, near _Richwood Ballinger-Peppard Funeral Home, Richwood wed-. APr- 22nd from 2"4 & 7-9 Friends may call at_after--m--—— , 19. contributions to Hospice of Delaware County c/o Grady Memorial Hospital Florist Login
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