Dec 15, 1975-Services for Frank Harold Davis. 76. mayor of LaRue from 1948-54, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Stofcheck Funeral Home, LaRue. The Rev. Richard Thomas will officiate.
He died at 7:30 a.m. Monday in his home at 155 Swain Ave. in the village.
A former grocery salesman, he had been associated with Bruno Inc. of Marion before retiring. He was a 32nd Degree Mason and member of LaRue Lodge 463. F&AM and Mary Lenox Chapter 98. Order of Eastern Star.
Among survivors are a son. Jack H. of Marion; a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Patricia) Winters of Marion; 8 grandchildren, and 2 ..greatgrandchildren.
Friends may call at the funeral home tonight.
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