NEW BLOOMINGTON — Robert Michael Lee, age 61, of 7750 LaRue Prospect Road W, New Bloomington, Ohio, died Saturday, April 18, 1998, at 8:23 p.m. at his residence.
Graveside services for the public will be held 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 22,1998, at the LaRue Cemetery. Minister will be the Rev. Joanne A. Powers.
Those who wish may make contributions to the American Cancer Society, 253 E. Church St., Marion, Ohio, 43302, the Quality of Life Hospice, 458 E. Center St., Marion, Ohio 43302, or the LaRue United Methodist Church, 166 N. High St., LaRue, Ohio, 43332.
Arrangements in charge of Stofcheck Funeral Home in LaRue, Ohio.
Directions to LaRue Cemetery
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